A few helpful tips about organization


Organization. Probably the bane of my existence. Ask anyone who knows me and they’ll tell you that I am one of the least organized people in the world. Being disorganized in high school is a living nightmare. You don’t get second chances; if you forget something, too bad, so sad. So, I have been trying desperately to get overcome my complete disregard for organization. Here are a few things I’ve found useful.

1. Separate everything and categorize

It’s not quite as easy as it seems. But, Staples helps.

I currently use four binders, one for each class that I’m taking. It might seem a little extreme, but for me it helps a lot. Make sure you categorize everything, either into subjects, due dates, or whatever else. This way, it’s easier to find what you’re looking for when you’re looking for it. Personally, I don’t believe that putting every subject into one binder works that well just because things do tend to get mixed up, but if you are able to keep that giant stack of papers organized, I applaud you.


Labels are wonderful, wonderful things. Use them, they make life much easier. They labels I use are full-page ones from Staples. I can separate my already  subject-divided binders into even smaller sections, whether it be by units or types of assignment. This lets me locate anything inside any of my binders quickly and also lets me put new work into the correct place.

3. Use less loose-leaf paper

I used to use loose-leaf paper for all of my classwork and homework. Don’t do that. Loose-leaf is called that for a reason, it’s loose and it loves to float around everywhere like a leaf. For disorganized people like me, that can be devastating. We lose work, work we don’t lose gets dirty, crumpled and torn. It’s hard to keep in our binders and rips easily. So, don’t use loose leaf, get a bound notebook instead. When you need a piece of loose leaf, just tear it out. And everything else stays organized and clean.

4. Time Management

This one may not seem really related to organization, but trust me, it is. I don’t know how many times I’ve planned to clean my bag, but have simply run out of time due to homework or other commitments. Set a time every few days that doesn’t interfere with anythingsloth sleepelse you do. Then just take 20-30 minutes to go through your books and organize them. Take out papers you don’t need and categorize the ones you do need.

5. Keep tabs on everything

I have recently started to keep an agenda of things that I have due which are done and which still need to be done. This is really helpful in helping prevent those “AW FUDGE” moments when you realize you forgot about the six trillion projects you had due after the break.

6. Don’t be lazy

This is what it all comes down to. How much you want to be clean and organized. When it comes to organization, I’m about as apathetic as a sloth. But, you have to force yourself to do it, after a while you start to get into the habit of putting papers away in your binder and writing down due dates. I’m not saying I hate having to be organized any less, but I have learned to accept it. Because I have to. And so do you. So, the sooner you do, the better.