Heard of Michael Moore?


Who is Michael Moore?  Other than one of the coolest film makers I know, he’s someone who voices his opinions on matters and raises awareness on issues that need our attention.  A couple of months ago, I watched one of his documentaries, Capitalism: A Love Story, and that is part of the reason why I’m blogging about him today.  I thought the documentary was not only  educational, but also interesting.  His opinion and bias is largely illustrated in his films, but they definitely are something to see.

Take a look at the mini bibliography on Michael Moore from The Internet Movie Database below:

Moore was born in Flint, Michigan April 23, 1954. He studied journalism at the University of Michigan-Flint, and also pursued other hobbies such as gun shooting, for which he even won a competition. Michael began his journalistic career writing for the school newspaper “The Michigan Times,” and after dropping out of college briefly worked as editor for “Mother Jones.”

He then turned to filmmaking, and to earn the money for the budget of his first film Roger & Me (1989) he ran neighborhood bingo games. The success of this film launched his career as one of America’s best-known and most controversial documentarians. He has produced a string of documentary films and TV series predominantly about the same subject: attacks on corrupt politicians and greedy business corporations. He landed his first big hit with Bowling for Columbine (2002) about the bad points of the right to bear arms in America, which earned him an Oscar and a big reputation. He then shook the world with his even bigger hit Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004), making fun of President George W. Bush. This is the highest-grossing documentary of all time. Michael is known for having the guts to give his opinion in public, which not many people are courageous enough to do, and for that is respected by many.

Also take a look at the trailer for Capitalism: A Love Story below:

[youtube JeROnVUADj0]

If you think he and his films seems interesting, or just want to learn more, take a look at his website! I strongly encourage you to watch some of his films. For those of you who have seen them, what do you think? Do you like Michael Moore?


  1. i've been meaning to watch this documentary! great article…I don't know much about Micheal Moore…but I'm can't wait to see what'll learn from watching his videoes!

  2. I think his movies are pretty good. Just don't forget to keep an open mind and do a bit of research yourself if something he relays in his movie strikes your interest. Remember he's in the movie industry and though he might be using his reputation and profit to bring light to some important/controversial issues that many don't dare to do, the movie industry is about entertainment and that's precisely what he does. One example of not so accurate movie making/ giving a wrong depiction of something is in "Bowling for Colombine". He gives a picture of Canada that there is practically no violence. Of course there is a lot less than in the USA but we still have a lot of issues we need to address. I live in Sweden now and the first questions I get from Europeans is: Do you guys really not lock your doors? Isn't that crazy that the only shooting in Canada in 2005(can't remember exactly what year) was one that came across the water from Detroit into Windsor?

    Thanks for your post!

  3. I think his movies are pretty good. Just don't forget to keep an open mind and do a bit of research yourself if something he relays in his movie strikes your interest. Remember he's in the movie industry and though he might be using his reputation and profit to bring light to some important/controversial issues that many don't dare to do, the movie industry is about entertainment and that's precisely what he does. One example of not so accurate movie making/ giving a wrong depiction of something is in "Bowling for Colombine". He gives a picture of Canada that there is practically no violence. Of course there is a lot less than in the USA but we still have a lot of issues we need to address. I live in Sweden now and the first questions I get from Europeans is: Do you guys really not lock your doors? Isn't that crazy that the only shooting in Canada in 2005(can't remember exactly what year) was one that came across the water from Detroit into Windsor?
    Thanks for your post!

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