Have you Shaved recently?


Since 2005, my brother, sister and I have been raising money for the Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta to help send kids and their siblings who have been touched by cancer to a special summer camp. Camp Kindle is owned and operated by the KCCFA and the camp tuition is paid only by donation. For the three of us, going to summer camp has always been something amazing that we look forward to, and we never believed that because you are sick you shouldn’t get to go to camp. So, when we heard about Camp Kindle, we thought it was the perfect cause to support! 😀

So far, between the three of us, we have passed the $10,000 mark of donations to help send kids to camp! We are so happy to have been able to make such a contribution with the support of our community 😀

Along with raising money, my sister and I donate our hair to make wigs for kids who have lost their hair to illness and our brother does the Shave Your Lid For a Kid event. My sister and I have donated our hair 3 times and are working on our next “harvest.” Our brother recently did his 3rd Shave with his junior high.

Check out this awesome video of his Shave!

[youtube 2NLrmGmvaxQ]

If you would like to support my brother Dennis in his fundraising, you can pledge him through the KCCFA by clicking here 🙂 (You’ll get an instant tax receipt!)

Have you ever donated your hair? Shaved Your Lid For a Kid? Planning to do either? Done some fundraising? Or went to the camp? Please leave a comment and share your story 😀 ♥