How to handle a break up


I recently went through a breakup with my boyfriend of 5 months. If you are experiencing a breakup, you would understand how hard it is to be happy. But despair no longer, for I am here to give you some tips that helped me through my breakup.

Think it throughtumblr-break-up-quotes-for-girls-1

Think thoroughly, but not obsessively. Although there might not be a good reason for you two to break up, there certainly was one, and probably more than one. If you and your partner wanted different things, it was bound to end anyways; it takes two people to start a relationship, but just one discordant person is enough to end it. Thinking it over will help you prevent making the same mistakes in future relationships.

But never rethink the decision, because the relationship ended for the better. Although there were many good times, it’s the bad times that ended it. Learn from the past, accept the present, look forward to the future.

Alone timeimages

Even if you and your former partner agreed to be friends, it’s best to be away from them for a while. For some people, being alone with their thoughts is the best way to heal. Don’t contact your partner until you are ready to be platonic and can communicate with no ulterior motive (yes, wanting to get back together is an ulterior motive).

Spending time without your ex is a great way to improve yourself; exercise, read, try new things. Take the break up as a chance to be free to do whatever you want and become a more well rounded person!

Out with the old, in with the newlarge

A break up can signify a new beginning. Use this as a fresh start; redecorate, organize, rearrange and renew your personal space. A mess can be overwhelming and depressing and could further your stress. Organizing and cleaning is a great way to get your mind off of your ex.

Be sure to get rid of any reminders and photos of your former significant other. Go through your belongings and find items that remind you of your partner, and throw them away. Ridding yourself of reminders is the best way to get over someone.

images-1Find happiness elsewhere

The key to moving on is realizing you can be happy without your ex. So go out and try some fun things! Hang out with friends, do something adventurous, go outside, start a YouTube channel, start exercising, write a book, volunteer. There are so many possibilities, they’re endless! There are plenty of things that are less stressful than a relationship, that can make you happy.

Stay active

Exercise alleviates depression and stress. It boosts your confidence and it’s good for your well being. I started running when I broke up with my boyfriend, and it helped a lot! I was much more confident and happy about my body (which helped me realize that I could do better than my ex).


In the end, break ups are always hard, and everyone  handles it differently. Just be strong and, in time, you will feel better. Happiness is always right around the corner, so keep your head up. It’s better to have loved and lost, than not have loved at all.
