Halo: Reach video game review


After a week of gaming, I think I am ready to review Halo Reach.

So let’s start with online multiplayer. There are countless game types a player can choose from. So this will satisfy the wants of any gamer (you can even have racing games).  It is basically the super fun Halo 3 multiplayers, with amazing graphics, endless game types and improved matchmaking.

Now let’s talk forge world. Basically it is a map so big, it’s mind blowing. In that map, players are given all the tools the game developers had, so they can use their imaginations to create their own maps.

Now it’s time for firefight. This is just like the Halo odst firefight, where the player takes on endless waves of covenant forces. But this time, it has been fine-tuned to perfection. Also Bungie made firefight endlessly customizable so the player can honestly do whatever they want.  Bungie also included a matchmaking option… so basically, it’s awesome.

It’s time to talk campaign; this might just be the best campaign in any shooter game I have ever played. It feels realistic and it never gets repetitive, I love they way things happen all around the player in an open world while the players are trying to complete a certain objective. On top of that, Halo Reach has fantastic cinematic cutscenes that have been missing from the Halo franchise.

On top of all that, the controls (like any Halo game) is great, the physics are good and the graphics are PS3 level. The players are also given awesome new weapons (needle rifle is my favorite) and amour abilities (but I only use sprint because I want to give my opponents a chance).

The only negative I can think of is that this will be the last Halo game by Bungie. I give this game a 10/10

Oh, and here’s a warning; if you plan to play some arena… just know that it is intense and you probably won’t do very well (*cough* I’m undefeated *cough*cough*) so if I were you I would avoid it. That being said if you must play arena, just hope you’re not facing me… or you might be the first person to score less than 1000 points.

[youtube Bs2TPo7z0sM]


  1. I beat campaign mode on Halo Reach last night, and all I can say is wow! I'm in love. If you haven't played it yet, you're missing out on one of the greatest games ever made.

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