Hair Chalking



Looking for new inspiration? Or something funky to do with you hair, well this is the next new thing in style! Whether you have dark hair or blonde hair chalking is easy, effective, and comes out easily and quickly. We all know the dip-dye hair colouring is what everyone is in desperation to get! But If you are like me and are afraid to permanently bleach your hair, chalking is a quick and removable way to get what we want! Here is what you need to do but first these are a couple items you should have before beginning this procedure:


-Soft Pastel Chalk     

-Spray Bottle Filled With Water

-Flat Iron or Curling Iron

-Rubber Gloves

-Old shirt you don’t mind getting dirty

Hair Chalking Blog

Here are four easy steps in chalking you hair: 

Firstly: Spray the strand of your hair you want to colour with water.

Secondly: Pick a pastel a colour you hair! (If you have dark hair, try a lighter colour.)

Thirdly: Wait for the pastel to soak into your hair and dry.

Lastly: Use either your flat iron or a curling iron and go over the strands you have chalked. (If you do this, the colour will have a lasting effect.)


(It may last up to a week, longer or shorter but chalk your hair at your own risk)

I know I am definitely going to try this technique over the weekend. Let me know how it works out for you but commenting below.

Have a fabulous weekend!