Grouplove’s new album is getting talk, but not “Spreading Rumours”


I had very high expectations for Grouplove’s second album Spreading Rumours.  I also had very high expectations for the lead singer, Christian Zucconi. He is one of my absolute favourite male vocalists. I must say, my expectations were met fairly well. With the regular album at 13 songs and the deluxe version at 16, it was the perfect amount of songs. So if you are willing to pay the extra $3 for the extra three songs, I would highly suggest doing so, especially since it’s only $9.99. Plus you can’t help to notice it already has 12 reviews, every single one 5 stars, on iTunes during it’s first day on the charts. So I’ll just dive right into my review of some of my favourite  songs on the album.

Ways To Go: Great choice to be the single on the album. Definitely one of the strongest songs on the album by far. When I first heard this song, I was pleasantly surprised to hear that they were adding a electronic vibe to their songs, yet still keeping that old Grouplove Sound from the first album ” Never Trust a Happy Song.”

School Boy: Really love the lyrics with this song, which is the main reason it’s one of my favourites. It’s just overall a great song with a great drum beat!

Hippy Hill: I have literally been singing this one lyric from the song all day! “I’d rather be a hippy than a hipster” I think my friends were ready to kill me.

Didn’t Have to Go: This song was on replay during most of my gym class. Great pump up song for when you are running cross country.

What I know: One of the catchiest chorus’ ever. Will definitely be one of those belting car songs you sing on your way to the grocery store.

And if this doesn’t convince you enough check out the album cover, seriously so cool!



And finally a tad bit of constructive criticism. Now unfortunately there is always that one song on an album that you can’t stand and for me it is “Beans on Pizza.” I hate to say it, but the lyrics are bland and pointless and the song was kind of trippy and weird. However, that is the only major problem I had with this album. Overall Rating: 17/20