Solar energy, DIY deodorant + sustainable food – it’s Green Youth Gathering 2013!


Whether you’re a self-proclaimed tree-hugger or just looking to try something new – come down to Green Youth Gathering 2013!ride on

For Calgary youthrun by Youth Central’s TD Earth Ambassadors!
Get inspired by youth social entrepreneurs from SimplySolar, get involved with the Nature Conservancy, and get dirty with the Calgary Horticultural Society (hurhurhur).

a beautiful day filled with engaging talks about environment and sustainability, covering consumerism to composting to solar panels.

Make your own deodorant, make funny faces at the photo station, and make new friends passionate about the earth.

(Not to mention, win unique prizes from local businesses and nom on yummy Vietnamese food!)

WHEN: Saturday, April 13: 10am-3pm (Mark your calendars!)

WHERE: The Kahanoff Conference Centre (in the same building as the Youth Central office)

HOW: RSVP on Facebook, and contact one of the hosts to buy your ticket! ($10 includes lunch & raffle tickets)

WHY: well… why not? 😀