Grade 8 student befriends micro-organisms and wins gold

Shruthi Bandi of Queen Charlotte School in Charlottetown won gold at the Canada-Wide Science Fair for her project on antibiotics. (Lindsay Carroll/CBC)
Shruthi Bandi of Queen Charlotte School in Charlottetown won gold at the Canada-Wide Science Fair for her project on antibiotics. (Lindsay Carroll/CBC)

Shruthi Bandi, a Grade 8 student competing in the A.P.E.I. national science fair, won gold for her work in antibiotics. Through her research, she has discovered that not all bacteria are as menacing as they seem. In fact, Bandi has found that some micro-organisms can be used to defeat two common infections.
One of her isolates were able to fight against Staphylococcus aureus and two of her other isolates were used to combat Candida albicans. Bandi hopes to utilize her knowledge of the benign nature of some micro-organisms, to one day, procure medicine and treatments against infections and diseases.

“Everyone thinks micro-organisms are bad and they cause diseases, but I wanted to prove that micro-organisms are actually really good and they help fight diseases,” said Bandi. (CBC News)

Bandi will forever be a beacon of inspiration for youth. We can truly make a difference. Look out for the name, Shruthi Bandi, she may one day develop cures along with the micro-organisms she is not scared to befriend.Who knows, maybe we all need to step out of our comfort zone and ally ourselves with bacteria and not worry about getting dirty. As a youth, I am irrevocably proud that a youth has made a compelling contribution to the science community. Bandi has taught us that age is but a number; do not be deterred from your youth but embrace the fact that you can have a fearless perspective on life.

Straphylococcus aureus causes a Staph infection which may result in an eruption of boills and rashes on the skin. (link)
Staphylococcus aureus causes a Staph infection which may result in an eruption of boils and rashes on the skin. (link)