Google Takes On the Wild World Web


As we all know, Google is slowly becoming one of the most powerful corporations of all time.  For those of you that don’t know, Google was founded in 1997, and now controls the majority of the search engine business, with 59.3% of people choosing to use Google Search.  Their next closest competitor, Yahoo, controls a meagre 16.9%.  Taking advantage of all this traffic, Google generates revenue from ads on its search pages and on people’s own websites (think 5.8 billion USD for the last quarter of 2008).  What do they do with all that money, you ask?

Lots of it goes towards the development of new services.  Many of you are probably familiar with Google Maps, and may use it on a regular basis.  Now, Google has added a service called Google Sky, which will show and identify the stars above you.  They have also developed a program called Google SketchUp, a 3D design program for architects and engineers.  These are only a couple among many, many other services.

The newest installation to the Google lineup of services is Google Chrome. As Google says,

Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.

My impression of Google Chrome pretty much fits the description Google offered, but you’ll have to see for yourself.

Visit this Youtube page for an surprising introduction to Google Chrome:

(you have to visit the exact site to get the full effect)

Final note: If you liked that video, check out for videos like this:

[youtube REJAN9erxvw]