Becoming a model student – in mind blowing colour


After five and a half months, I have arisen from the grave. Five and a half months of not doing a single post. I feel like a horrible person.

I AM a horrible person.

Of course, I could blame it on the stress of exams, and the inability to keep up with homework. That was true for the first month. But… soon, I had succumbed to my natural laziness. Instead of pursuing the righteous path of blogging, I decided to bum around in front of the television instead.

It wasn’t just with blogging though. I started to neglect my extracurricular activities. Working until 3 a.m. on last minute projects became a common occurence. I haven’t done a single debate this school year. I even stopped volunteering completely by April. LE GASP.

So, my friends came up with the Good Pledge, for people like me. After you sign the pledge, there is no turning back. It is (almost) a legally binding document that will change your life forever. And it’s in amazing technicolour. AND, it has FANCY FONTS. Behold …


  • I will not procrastinate. Ever.
  • I will not stay up past 11 p.m. on weekdays (except Friday or other days on which there is no
    school the next day).
  • I will never pull an all-nighter or something close.
  • I will meet my nutritional needs. This includes eating a good breakfast every morning, weekday or not, and not eating junk food more than one day a week. (three strikes)
  • I will not obsess over anything other than school-related things.
  • I will not be late to any classes. (three strikes)
  • I will never skip any classes.
  • I will not use Gmail, Facebook, or any other site that does not involve school work before finishing my homework and studying for my tests.
  • I will be organized by planning things out beforehand and being neat.
  • I will finish and hand in all assignments on time.
  • I will not talk or fool around excessively during class. This means using class time effectively.
  • I will study for every test at least a week before they happen (or as soon I know what the test will be on).
  • I will check my work over, whether it is an assignment, test, etc., at least once before handing it in.
  • I will maintain a student average of 95 or higher.
  • I will maintain subject averages of 90 or higher.
  • I will not let my crushes interfere with schoolwork.(when applicable)
  • I will practice my instrument daily. (when applicable)



Print it out. Sign it. By doing so, you are basically giving away your social life in order to be the perfect student. Especially if you’re in IB. Not that IB kids had a social life in the first place. 😉

If one was to violate the pledge, one must give your parents access to your Facebook and other social networking devices. Believe me, that is much, much worse than social death. It might seem a bit late to start this, but believe me – you’ll need ALL of summer to get this mastered.

KIDS, especially those who are starting high school like I am, FOLLOW THE PLEDGE. YOU WILL BE ON THE PATH TO GOODNESS!

…After counting on my fingers, I figured I have about 25 blogs to make up for by the end of this month. Yikes. And html code is a horrible pain in the… donkey.