Are you going to be a good driver?


 Take the quiz. Please be honest with yourself!

  1. If you see a police car hooting behind you, what would you do?

a.)    Race ahead until I run outta gas, of course!

b.)    Pull into a back alley, leave the car there, and I’m off to break into another garage.

c.)     Slow down. Pull to the side. Stop. Get all of my papers out.

d.)    Get a heart attack. Police car alone doesn’t sound good. Ambulance is needed to tune it in.

  1. Your friend asks you to have a race in a “residential area.” Your response is?

a.)    Wait. Ain’t I the “friend” who is inviting the race?

b.)    No man. I have to be at the grand graffiti day celebration.

c.)     What are you talking about? You know someone could be harmed by that. And it’s illegal!

d.)    My left hand is still not in the right place. I put my hand to grab a cherry blossom when we were racing last time.

  1. You see a “School Zone” sign hanging down. Your response is?

a.)    Oh yeah. Is it the one we broke while we were walking?

b.)    It looks like the same sign near my Young Offenders Counseling School.

c.)     Call 311. Inform them about it. Check on it the next day to see if it is in the right place.

d.)    I got hit in the head by a rod that looked like this bent pole. I still have the scar, guys.

  1. How did you pass your learners test?

a.)    What is that?

b.)    I scored the passing mark on my 23rd try. I know, I am very determined person.

c.)     I studied for it the night before. I was really relying on coffee.

d.)    Oh, I can’t really write because of my head and hand injuries, so right now I don’t really have a license.


Your result:

If most of your answers were A; please post your driving (/racing) schedule two hours before commencing, so that we can prevent being at the road at the same time.

If most of your answers were B; make sure you have connections with the people up in the court system, because I am seriously going to report you! Give up your current drive style, PLEASE.

If most of your answers were C; All I can say is that your daddy taught you well and your mommy prepares you well. If you have been honest while answering the questions, GOOD JOB!

If most of your answers were D; buy a house near a hospital. Make sure the jail is close too. BECAUSE THOSE ARE THE PLACES YOU BELONG TO!