Good Deeds to do in the Holiday Season


The holidays, or any time of year really, are the perfect time to help others. It is a great way of giving back to the community and you can spread smiles on people’s faces. Doing good deeds are also good for your mental health. They clear your head and help you see things from a new perspective having an overall positive effect on your mental health. Here are just some out of many ways to give back to the community

Donate to the Food Bank:

With the holidays approaching, there are so many exciting things going on! Lights are everywhere, festive activities are taking place, school is out, and there are delicious dishes to eat! Depending on what you and your family partake in during this time of year, whether you celebrate something at this time of year or not, it is worth donating to the food bank if you can. Many people have lost their jobs due to the pandemic making it difficult to put food on the table. To see what the food bank needs most, you can log onto the food bank website and see what you can donate! Whether your donation is big or small, this small act will be bound to make someone happy!

Donate Warm Clothing:

If you have warm winter gear that is too small, or you want to get rid of consider dropping off some winter clothes to donating centers. With El Niño occurring in Calgary this year, it is necessary to bundle up in warm clothing to avoid freezing. There are quite a few people that do not have the necessities needed to survive the harsh, Canadian winters. With that said, there are many places to donate warm clothing in Calgary including Coats for Calgary, the Drop-In center, Project Warmth, and many others. From my experience volunteering with Youth Central at the Drop-In Center, an observation that was made was that people donate more women’s clothing than men’s. Regardless; however, a donation is a donation and can help people stay safe and keep warm and cozy.

Donate Toys and Books:

With the holidays approaching, consider giving away some old toys you have lying around. Many children look forward to the satisfying feeling of ripping open some wrapping paper to find a brand new toy to play with! Along with toys, books also make a perfect donation as people can get lost in the realm of a good story! Regardless, if you have old toys you do not need anymore, this could be the perfect gift to younger children who may not be able to have any gifts around this time of year! Places you can donate toys are the Women in Need Society, Calgary Firefighters Toy Association, the Salvation Army, and Value Village. Donating toys can help make someone else’s childhood memorable!

These are just a few ways to give back. You can also donate money or time to a cause you are passionate about. For example, I am passionate about mental health and finding a cure for Alzheimer’s. Volunteering is a great way to help others and you can meet new people! Overall, whatever you choose, you will be making a difference for someone else!

Sources: 1/2/3

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