“Golden Voice”


I must apologize here. Lost in my own little world, I have neglected this blog, but more on that later. During my absence, I chanced upon a rather touching story while driving down Deerfoot. I was deeply inspired by the story and felt an absolute compulsion to share with all you loyal readers. So here I am.

First things first, check out this video.

[youtube 6rPFvLUWkzs]

OK. I am sure a major portion of you have already heard it. But I am also sure you don’t mind hearing it again. I mean come on, it’s the golden voice! Who can get sick of that voice? I for one would listen to news, and I mean real news stories, just to hear that.

Anyways, the man behind the Golden Voice goes by Ted Williams. Mr. Williams attended school and slowly trained his voice over many years. However, he soon lost himself in a world of drugs and alcohol. He lost everything he owned and became a homeless man wondering the streets and begging for charity.

Coincidentally, a passing motorist found Ted Williams by the side of the street and recorded a clip of his voice. The clip soon became a viral video hit on youtube and hit 3 million viewers almost overnight. After becoming an internet sensation, Ted was offered numerous lucrative offers from a number of radio and broadcasting companies.

But Ted still battles with the addictions that destroyed his life years ago. After appearing on Dr. Phil, it became clear that Ted still faces major obstacles in his way. He has to overcome his alcohol addiction and stay clean from his drug addiction as well. As I write these words, Ted is rumored to be recovering at a rehab center in South Texas. After he deals with his addictions, he may finally be able to reconcile with his long-estranged family.

Ted’s story brings a warm feeling of inspiration and hope. It is pleasant to think that any man who has hit rock bottom can still use his talents to rediscover himself. Few stories offer such strong testament to the dignity of the human spirit. Ted’s story hints at the American dream or even a dream shared by everyone: the desire to better our lives despite all odds.