Falling With YAA: Golden Skeletons, An Original Poem


Oh blowing, rustling trees

Beneath the starry skies,

Beaming under the moonlight,

How shall I address your beauty today?

Shall I speak of your golden leaves,

Or the roots beneath the sole of my feet.

Or shall I  speak of your branches

That wave at me when I’m alone.

I shall epistolize of your courage

That withheld during storms, rain and snow.

Today, however,

Your broken, fallen leaves

Dwindle, wilt, and dry.

Skeletons and flakes garner in sheaves

Crackling as I slowly pass by.

Following the leaves is a pungent scent,

Where it is they fall and die.

Surely nature requires no consent,

As to whom it [temporarily] says goodbye.

– Hafsah Syed

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Hafsah Syed
Your ordinary cat lover, biology enthusiast, and advocate for social issues. The type of person to stress, yet procrastinate, make goals and schedules but forget, and the type to sleep late at night for no reason at all. Regardless of a few bad habits, I put 105% effort in everything I do. I tend to get excited over little things, like color-coded outfits and stationary, and I find pleasure in serving my parents and others. I often find myself wanting to make a difference in the world, however I realize that by striving to understand myself and others and by expressing my voice, I already am. And you are too. "Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." Hafsah Syed • Muslim • Grade 11 Student, Crescent Heights High School