Get Your Glow On


Here’s how to really boost your highlight collection –with advice from a teen on a major budget. Get ready to glow! I’ve rounded up cream highlighters, and powder highlighters, ranging from brands like Anastasia Beverly Hills to Benefit, Becca and Marc Jacobs.

Best Highlighter: Cover FX Highlighter Drops

These revolutionary drops have transformed my makeup routine. Although they cost approximately $52, they are definitely the best highlighter product out there, especially for someone with somewhat dry skin. You’ll have to act as fast as possible. This product has a tendency to get sold out the minute it gets stocked! The remarkable thing about these drops is that they don’t leave a greasy residue, but simply a brilliant, eye-blinding glow.

The next one on my list has to be the Becca Shimmering Skin Perfect Pressed Highlighter in the shade champagne pop. A soft white gold with pink, peach undertones, this highlighter is definitely one of my numerous wants. It lights up my features, and the end result is so elegant! Composed of ultra-fine, luminescent pears, the multi-toned pigments create a smooth finish, a rare quality in highlighters that often tend to look overly glittery. As a bonus, you only need to use a small amount, and it lasts forever! Price: $46

Watt’s Up by Benefit, the cream to powder highlighter. This. Is. Absolutely. Magic. One stick lasts a lifetime, and it has that wow factor that I search for in all my products. Apply it to the tip of your nose, underneath your brows, in the corners of your eyes, on your cheekbones, as well as above your cupid’s bow, and prepare to fall in love! I want my highlight to view-able from space, and this one just does it for me. Indescribable glow! Price: $40

The last one that I want to mention is a more affordable, drugstore one, Physicians Formula Mineral Glow Pearls Powder Palette. There are a lot of highlighters out there; makeup is a beautifully constructed maze. But, this highlighter melts into your skin, and gives you that natural no-makeup look that we’ve all striven for our entire lives. Thank you, Physicians Formula! The perfectly even skin tone that this palette seems to create is astonishing, a must-have in my makeup kit, and in yours too. Price: $20

Skin Care Secrets

Prepping my skin for all the makeup that I load onto it is such an important part of morning, and night routine. It all depends on you, and your skin type, but personally, as someone with dry, combination, and acne-prone skin; I look for products that are oil-free. Neutrogena’s Oil-Free Moisturizer, Tarte’s Maracuja Oil and the ones by Cetaphil are my holy-grail. Not only are they inexpensive, but they do the job. I’ve invested quite a bit in Sephora products, including the First Aid Beauty moisturizers, and those by Clinique, but I keep going back to my drugstore ones. As for cleansers, I adore the Soy Face Cleanser by Fresh, and the African Black Soap. The process is quite simple from washing my face with a cleanser that contains no harsh ingredients, to exfoliating, moisturizing, using an eye cream, and then, applying primer. It turns out that if you forget this crucial step, you end up with clogged pores and breakouts

I try my best to stick to this routine, but as a stressed-out teen due to the oh-so-marvelous conspiracy known as high school, I used to find myself studying for hours and hours, rather than taking off all my makeup. Those times are in the past though, and my skin is definitely looking more radiant than ever.

Images: 1,2,3,4,5,6

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