Global Youth Summit: The Pinnacle of Awesomeness!


This Friday, the annual Global Youth Summit returns! The yearly event is planned by youth for youth, and is basically a time for Calgary & area high school students to share local projects that have a global impact. It’s bound to be super cool, since the event features workshops, small-group dialogue and participatory learning exercises which helps youth to gain knowledge and skills so that they can have a bigger impact in their local community, and in the global community!

The theme of this year is “Start Your Momentum,” which encourages taking action and getting involved in the present, instead of just waiting for the future. One of the greatest things about the Global Youth Summit is that it gets youth excited about making an impact and being proactive in their communities; it can be so easy to just spend your days on the couch watching TV or going on weekend Starbucks runs. Events like the Global Youth Summit celebrate youth efforts, which encourages more youth to take initiative as well! So register today, and start your momentum towards a bright and meaningful future!

When: Friday, April 20, 2012      3 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Where: Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium

Cost: $10 (see the Registration Form, or register on Friday at the door; financial assistance available)

Sponsored by the Canadian Red Cross, YMCA Calgary, S.C.R.E.A.M. (Social & Community Responsibility through Education Arts and Music) and the Jubilee Auditorium, the Global Youth Summit is definitely an event you do not want to miss this Youth Week!


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