As an alternative to emptying your wallet this holiday season, try some of these ideas for original and heartfelt gifts.
1. Compile a photo album
Look around your house; there are pictures everywhere. People like to keep picture because they remind them of the best times in their lives. Why not make someone a photo album filled with all the good times you’ve had together?
2. Write a song
There’s not much that shows you really care about someone more than writing a song for them. If you are feeling uninspired and can’t come up with a song, but you play an instument, you can record a short CD.
3. Make a donation to a charity in the person’s name
Charities such as World Vision and Compassion Canada are always looking for donation they can put towards helping people in third-world countries. They even offer a free service where you can donate in a specific person’s name, and they’ll send that person a “Thank You” note.
4. Write a short story or love note
Another great way to show someone you love them is to sit down and write a them a note explaining just how much they mean to you. To many people, this is worth more than anything you can buy them from a store.
5. To try with your friends: Set a price limit on how much you can spend on each person (say, $5 for example) and try to buy the most unique gift possible. It can be fun and challenging at the same time!
Enjoy these tips and have fun this holiday season!