Giving Back to the Less Fortunate


A little inspiration became an actual adventure. My friend Jennifer and I took money out of our own pockets to make holiday gift bags for the homeless. Each bag contained a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, hand sanitizer, a bar of soap, lip chap, a pair of mittens,  a bottle of water, and a candy cane. We thought that these were the things that the less fortunate would need most for the holidays, and in general. We asked our friends Benny and Andy to join us and take part in our little project.

Despite the cold weather we decided to hand out the gifts by foot, rather than driving. This made the experience much more rewarding and made it feel real. It took about three hours to hand out all the gift bags because there weren’t too many homeless people on the streets; which is a good thing because that means they had a shelter to keep warm. We walked all around downtown, even past the homeless shelter! The reactions that we received were phenomenal, and was a reward on its own. Sometimes when we donate through companies and organizations, where the other end that your contributions go to, is often unknown. I was fortunate enough to experience and see the true reactions of those who needed my help. I plan to do this during the summer and next winter on the exact same date (almost like a tradition)!

Happy holidays everyone! And please enjoy this video my friend Benny put together out of our footage:

[youtube V9mwRLZWwh0]