Give Panono a go-go


Do you like caputuring the moment with panorama shots? Well now you can capture the moment completely. By completely, I mean 360 degrees. Photo fanatics or the like may have a fan girl moment when they hear about Panono. Panono is a “throwable panoramic ball camera, which captures everything in every direction for amazing 72 megapixel, 360° X 360° full-spherical panoramic images.” Once the image is taken, it can be uploaded to a smartphone or tablet. By moving the smartphone or tablet, the image can be moved to look at all directions in the image. With a mere weight of 300 grams, the device is incredibly light to serve its purpose.

A shot of Hong Kong using the Panono.
A shot of Hong Kong using the Panono.

Panono is currently offering its device and other services on Indiegogo. The device will run for a startlingly high price of $549 or the early bird price of $499 and will be released in the fall of 2014. For tech lovers like me, this innovative camera may be inevitably luring you in. With the holidays just around the corner, should we dare to ask our close friends and family members for this extravagant gift? You can always use the excuse that the price is not for one camera, but more like 36 cameras inserted into one device. If your situation allots for it, give Panono a go-go.