It’s in you to give: donate blood now!


Do you enjoy saving lives and feeling good doing it? Then blood donation is for you! Well, as long as you’re over the age of 17 and are in good health.

Each year my school sets up a blood donation campaign, and I am thrilled to finally be able to participate. Giving blood has always seemed like such a noble and helpful cause, and I hope that this year will include the first of many donations.

Over half of Canadians say that they or a family member have needed blood for surgical or medical treatments. Considering that one donation can save up to three lives, I think donating is well worth it. All it takes is a little initiative!

At my high school, the information and donation sessions are organized by the school so it’s easy for students to get involved. Canadian Blood Services is responsible for Young Blood for Life, a program focused on encouraging young Canadians to donate and recruit donors. Many schools are already part of this program, so ask around and see if your school is involved!

For more information on how you can become a blood donor, visit the Canadian Blood Services website or their Facebook page.