All Girls Rock Camp


Girls RockDo you have the rhythm echoing through your body? Are you musically orientated? Looking for an opportunity to build self-esteem and make new friends? Well then worry no more, The New Black Center’s All Girls Rock Camp is made for you!

This is a call for all girls, ages 10-17, out there needing self-empowerment and want to express themselves in a creative way! It is an all female atmosphere, with lovely ladies from all backgrounds connecting with each other through the form of music!

This magnificent camp begins on March 25th and ends on March 30th, it is a full day from nine am to five pm. A regular day at this fabulous All Girls Rock Camp starts with a morning assembly and follows through with multiple activities and workshops that train the girls and cultivates their talent.

The workshop lessons are based on: song writing, how to be a band, women in rock, stage presence and playing live, promoting yourself, images of women in popular culture, making merch, music history and genres, recording, and last but not least navigating your local music scene.

Throughout this five day camp, bands will be formed and they will present their talent at showcase on the last day of camp! Not only will they receive a DVD or CD of their performance but also get to go for a photo shoot with their newly friend-ed band members! How incredible is that?!?!?

And the best part is no musical experience is needed!!

For more information or to register go to:


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