The female perspective on the classic jerk



We’ve all seen one, talked to one, and perhaps fallen for one, but in the end once a jerk always a jerk, right? As a member of the female gender, I find that we always tend to fall for the “bad boy” or at least the vast majority of teenage girls. A lot of the time those bad boys tend to be jerks, however not always. And a lot of the time when a guy is a jerk, girls tend to move away, afraid of getting hurt.

After encountering multiple classic jerks myself, I finally hit a breaking point and came to a realization. A realization of which taught me that regardless of how attractive and charming someone may be, if there attitude is negative the entire relationship will be negative. Someone who is egotistical and ignorant with a pessimistic vibe can only do damage in ones life. Someone who only thinks about himself, will never be able to respect relationships, let alone maintain one.

After coming to this somewhat life-changing realization, I thought about all the other girls in this world that have to put up with guys like this in all areas of their lives whether its at work, at school, at home, and everywhere else. So I went around asking girls about their opinions on The Classic Jerk.


I decided to ask a few of our female bloggers on YAA for their opinions and this is what I got:

“The jerk is the one who calls himself a ‘nice guy’ and complains of being ‘friendzoned’ since apparently friendship isn’t that great of a consolation prize if you’re not getting ‘laid'” ~Jessica Mai

“The jerk is the eternal complainer, who’s never at fault and talks incessantly about hypocrites. His whole life is a conspiracy and he wonders why his world sucks so much. Your problems can never be as bad as his. You just don’t understand.” ~Carol Zhang

“The classic jerk is he who judges others mercilessly but never takes a moment to reflect on his own faults.” ~Ailin Li


And here are some perspectives from other teenage girls:

“Urg I don’t know, it’s stupid. I mean some people can’t help it, it’s just their personality and I guess that doesn’t mean that they can’t be in relationships but they should know that they make it hard for the other person to want to be with them.” ~Roshni Sohail

“I feel like they are necessary, because they make us love the people who aren’t jerks and they make us stronger and they make relationships interesting. They make us value the thought that people aren’t perfect. I believe they are true, they speak their mind, ya they are difficult but what isn’t in life? it makes life interesting to be with them and they are jerks because of experiences and insecurities but around the right person they are like anybody else.” ~Simran Parmar

“They are needed in life to balance things out.” ~Anonymous

“Well usually they don’t start off being a jerk but as soon as they hear something they don’t like or they find your weakness, they use it against you. It sucks cause they led you to believe they were decent but then they change in a split second. I would be less angry if they had been mean from the beginning cause at least I would’ve known what was coming you know? And its not only guys who act that way” ~Harmehar Dhillion

“I feel they need a reality check. I mean they could act nicer and have a better prespective on everything but instead they are jerks so i guess if they wanna be that way they can.” ~Sarah Walter

this one

After taking to all these lovely ladies I realized that perhaps guys have a differing perspective or the same as us females on “The Classic Jerk” so I asked around and got a response from one of our YAA Bloggers, Dean

Jerks are distraught, lonely, but hopeful knights in armor who’ve had their armor tested, and those tests finally got to them. All the damage done, all the words, it created an excuse of a person that was supposed to be something good. Girl or guy, a jerk is a person that’s so far into their selfish brain that you can’t save them, when they started like how we all started: happy kids with nothing to lose” ~Dean

 After all of these perspectives, one thing is for sure,  The Classic Jerk, has the ability to break or make someone, and just might be broken on the inside as well.