Ghosts Of Violence


20130405 Atlantic Ballet image (S0309600)

Last Friday, Calgary’s very own Jubilee Auditorium held Alberta’s first ever Atlantic Ballet Show called Ghosts Of Violence. This magnificent ballet show was the first I have ever attended and may I say, WOW! I was amazed by the dancers ability to portray a story just through the movement of their bodies, through dance with no words just music. The production was about Domestic Violence and it was a way to bring awareness and hopefully begin to put an end to it.

There were four males and four female dancers dancing to tell a story. All four girls were abused by the men, chairs were thrown, doors were squeezing in on the fragile beauties, tables were flipped, and hands were raised all with great grace and poise. But they did have a huge and ever-lasting impact on the audience. I know I was impacted. All four girls came out on stage falling in love but in a detrimental turn of events they were being tortured by the domineering males. The choreographer was truly a genius in his ways of conducting the on stage movements to reach out to every member of the audience and touch their souls.

As the production continued I began to notice that they males were insecure and hurting in there own ways as well. The finale performance was the icing on the cake and was definitely standing-ovation worthy which it did receive! All of the dancers came on staged stripped naked (body suits) and were dancing in harmony, it showed the unity and pain they all shared. The final movement was when they all gathered together and water poured over them, it was to purify them and give them a fresh start perhaps?

I know my eyes were watering by the end of that performance and I am truly honored Youth Are Awesome and Kids Up Front gave me and my best friend this marvelous opportunity to attend such a life changing ballet show. I would like to commend all the dancers, all the praise in the world isn’t enough to tell them how magnificent they were. I wish them luck on their upcoming shows and hope they continue to spread the message. I rate this performance 5/5 stars!

Lots of Love,

Malika (: