Get What You Want! The Ultimate Keys to Success!


Have you ever wanted something so bad that you poured your entire heart and soul into it, and it didn’t come true? How disappointed were you? Did you try hard enough? Did you ever think you had made a mistake in striving for that dream? Whatever the case might have been there are a few important ways and things to remember as you are progressing towards that better life. I find that success comes in small steps and pieces. You may have witnessed someone reach success really quickly, yet there have been so many invisible small stepping stones that have brought them to the place they are today. Here are a few ways you can strive to get whatever you want out of life. 

Dream the Reality

Some may say dreaming does nothing in accordance with getting what you want from life. Although to a certain extent they may be correct, visualizing may make an individual want their dream more than they realize. Manifestation is a real phenomenon that has been experienced firsthand by many successful individuals. For example, writing things down that you want to achieve is another great way of manifestation, and has been scientifically proven to work. Remembering it’s also the small things that can allow your dreams to become a reality is crucial. On the other hand, dreaming is not the ONLY way to work towards the successful life you want to live, yet the work you put into it. 

Keeping a Healthy and Stable Mindset 

“Mindset is key!” You may have heard many individuals have repeated this over and over again, yet how many times have you really thought about the real definition behind this statement. The way you perceive an activity or action can change the way you react to what you do. For example, your dream is to graduate high school, but you don’t like doing homework and you tell yourself that you hate it everyday. This will demolish your dreams and how much you even want to graduate. On the other hand, telling yourself that homework is fun, and faking it even though you don’t like it change your perspective. This is the act of consciously playing mind games with your brain. In doing so, you are able to become fond of doing a specific activity yet continue to accomplish your dream little by little. 

Formulate a Plan 

Planning is another way of organizing what you want. Being clear on what you want and how your actions may affect your outcomes is something you need to know inside out. Knowing what could be an outcome of a certain scenario will allow you to understand what to do if something doesn’t work out. Formulating a plan could also be a persuasion method if your parents are not taking your dreams seriously. Sometimes parents may not see the same as we may see the future through our eyes. Allowing them to be on the same page about our futures can make the path smoother in terms of having a support system, and having some financial help if needed. 

Celebrate Small Achievements/Gratitude

Writing 5 things that you are happy to have is crucial to getting more things out of life. Oprah Winfrey once said; Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. I quite literally resonated with this quote, as I was at a point in my life where I didn’t recall what I didn’t have instead of what I had. Practicing this made me realize the importance of everything God has given me, and how my circumstances could have been a lot worse. Celebrating small achievements can be a great tool for motivation, and to show how far you have come. This can move you further into your journey of finding success. 

These are 4 ways I have found success in my daily life, and have heard from many successful individuals throughout the media. These have moved me as an individual, and I could still use these tips as reminders on how to practice my dreams and goals in my daily life. I hope you found these helpful, and let me know in the comments if they have helped you in any way! 

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