Gaytard: A joke or a nametag?


A teenage fast food worker was allegedly forced to wear a nametag with “Gaytard” written on it because he was gay. Tyler Brazndt, a 16-year-old working at Taco Bell, filed a complaint because of discrimination. Apparently, his boss would verbally abuse him and call him names. One day, he invited Tyler into his office, and told him that if he wanted to keep the job he had to wear the nametag. Tyler agreed, as he didn’t want to lose his job, however he felt humiliated in front of his coworkers and customers. “I would always stay behind the till so they couldn’t see the name tag, I didn’t want them to see it, but even though they couldn’t see it, he (my boss) would still come around and call me by the name across the store and customers would notice,” Tyler said. After he had enough, Tyler quit the job, and went to authorities to file a complaint.

Tyler holding up the derogatory nametag he was forced to wear.
Tyler holding up the derogatory nametag he was forced to wear.


This incident is one of many that have shown the discrimination against gay people in society. Today in schools the word “gaytard” and similar slurs are being used as common jokes, but young people don’t realize the implications of how what they say could ruin possibly their future and entire life. Many teens seem to find this as a joke, however, it’s serious, and this incident shows just how serious it can be.