Fun and Useful DIY Projects


Second semester can often feel way more exhausting than first semester. After barely two weeks of school, I feel overwhelmed and want school to end more than ever. Fortunately, like many other people I know, I like to re-organize myself when I start something new (such as a new semester!) which refreshes me and keeps me motivated.

These are a few DIY projects I like to do and I’m looking forward to doing later this month. If there’s one that interests you, definitely take some free time to do the project in order to relax and create something useful for the rest of the school year!

‘Whiteboard’ Calendar

This is an amazing organization tool and it’s highly personalized which is a bonus. I made a basic version of this calendar in the past, but the colours in Laurdiy’s tutorial are so refreshing and urge me to redecorate.


This is for all the artists and writers out there! This DIY has been bookmarked for forever; it does seem a little time-consuming but it produces such a nice, authentic look. When (or if…) I finish using my hoarded sketchbooks and notebooks, I’m definitely going to do this project.

Fun, Colourful Notes

Not exactly a DIY but having colourful and aesthetically pleasing notes is absolutely a motivator. I come across many notebooks, like the ones pictured below, which makes me excited to start studying and create my own notes. Not only are they entertaining, they are also organized and much easier to understand.

    A’s before baes

P.S. Click on the picture to go to their Tumblr blogs for more inspiration!

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