Halloween: the perfect time to go out all night and get candy. Oh wait, we live in Calgary; it will probably be raining or snowing. But have no fear! I have made a list of a few costumes that are funny, scary, unique and warm!
1. Hannah Montana: Everyone will be going as Miley Cyrus this year. Did you see her VMA performance!? So why not bring back some childhood memories of your favorite young pop star? It’s a great conversation starter too. Everyone will start talking about the “old Miley” and maybe people will even start singing some good ol’ Hannah Montana tunes.

What to wear: Cowboy Boots, flared jeans, straight blonde wig (natural blondes work too!), sequined top , red jacket (preferably leather) and diva shades. Don’t forget your microphone!
2. Cruella Deville: More great Disney memories, but this time from 101 Dalmatians.
What to wear: Black dress, black tights, red or black heels, big fur jacket, short wig (half black half white if possible!) and long silk gloves. For extra fun wear a feather boa and bring along a cigarette holder.
3. Stay Puft Marshmallow Man: Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! This costume is super funny! It’s also be great if some of your friends dressed up like the ghost busters crew and chased you around all night.
What to Wear: White snow pants, white puffy winter jacket, sailor style hat, red bow and possibly blue bib type sash, white gloves, paint your face white and outline a scary face in black or just make one naturally and keep it on all night long!

4. Macklemore: The song gets old fast, but Macklemore will always stay cool. Perfect for guys and even funnier for girls.
What to Wear: Think thrift shop style: jeans, t-shirt, and a huge fluffy fur jacket and sneakers. Wear some chains and style your hair like a quiff or if you are brave, quiff your hair by shaving of the sides a little bit. For extra fun, ride around on a little bicycle and sing thrift shop.
So go out, have fun this Halloween. You can still have tons of fun while staying warm. You don’t always have to wear a jacket under that fairy costume or that winter puff jacket on top of that spider man costume you can incorporate warmth into your costume! Always remember, if you are still cold or feel cold, it is more important to wear a jacket then show off your costume, wear mittens and don’t go out for a long time. If you start to feel cold, go back to your house, warm up a bit, then go out for a round two!