Free University!- Say What!?

Lund University Library
Lund University Library

Coming up soon is the deadline for your last chance for a shot at getting a quality international education at an awesome price- FREE. University education in Sweden has always been free for Swedes and international students alike but changes are coming soon and a fee will be introduced for students from outside of Europe. The very last application round (which is also free) is nearing an end and will be closed on August 15th, 2010. This application round is for students who would like to begin studying in Sweden in January 2011. The Fall semester 2011 will be the inaugural year for the new fees which are approximated to be between 10 000- 15 000 Euros. So all you students who are looking to start University this winter don’t be afraid to check out the possibility of studying abroad. I am currently a student at Lund University in southern Sweden and have now studied there for 1.5 years. It has been an incredible experience and though there are expenses involved with traveling to Europe every semester- I’ve estimated that I am still paying less than what I would pay for tuition in my home town at the University of Calgary and significantly less if I were to study and live in another city in Canada.

So don’t hesitate to check out their universal application website (you can apply for up to 40 programs at 20 university institutions all at once for free) at For more information on the prospect of studying in Sweden you can also check out

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to comment and I’ll answer them as soon as I can!
