Free yourself from boredom this holiday season!


So if you are laying around bored during this holiday vacation, I have created a list of activities you can do to keep yourself occupied:

1. Write a story

2. Draw or paint a self portrait

3. Play dress up

4. Listen to every single song on your ipod/iphone/mp3

5. Watch old movies

6. Cook or bake using random food in your fridge. Mix weird combinations.

Mixing weird combinations does not always work that well...
Mixing weird cooking  combinations does not always work that well…

7. Plan a flash mob.

8.  Sing christmas carols to your neighbours after christmas!

9. Learn to play a weird instrument.

10. learn a new language

11. Try to Unicycle

12. Throwback fridays (Watch kid shows on TV and look through old scrapbooks)

13. Try to find a substitute for a tobogan

14. Read the Hunger Games (for most likely your 3rd or 4th time, you can’t read that  book once!)

The Hunger Games by Suzanna Collins
The Hunger Games by Suzanna Collins

15. Get a bunch of friends together and re create your favourite movie

16. Get a penpal

17. Stalk your old friends on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram ect.

18. Watch Youtube videos of funny kittens and puppies. (trust me they are addicting)

19. Make your own secret language

20. Karaoke party!!!


I have done about 5 or 6 of these things on the list. So some of these could be painful or actually really boring!