Four most thrilling restaurants in the world


4.  Berlin’s “blind restaurant”

Would you like the adventure of dining in the dark? How about at Unsicht-Bar In Germany? It seems this is a popular destination for people all around the world if they are looking for something exciting in their lives. The customers are lead to their seats by waiters who are mostly sight impaired. The restaurant was opened in 2002 when two men, one impaired and on with normal vision, talked. Sandy, one of the waiters said, “They thought it would be a good idea to create jobs for sight-impaired people and to give people an experience of what it’s like to not see.”


No light is allowed at all in the restaurant (including your cell phones)! However, you will find that the food is arranged in a special way so you can eat your food without being too messy. One person who has went to this restaurant also noted that people seem a lot more open about their unmannerly habits when you can’t see them in the dark.

Learn how to eat in the dark.
Learn how to eat in the dark.

Click here or here to see some actual accounts.

3. Dine in the Sky:

Have you even been to London? Las Vegas? The Eiffel Tower? How about dining there 180 feet off the ground? You can pay $11,000 to host a party, or wedding, or even a business meeting on a platform holding 22 people for eight hours. Or you could even have different people up even hour. In addition, you also got a photographer, although catering costs more.


But how safe is it? You get strapped to a seat and there are well-trained professionals overseeing the event; however, there also is a $10 million policy if someone happens to fall off.

Las Vegas
Las Vegas

2. Cannibalistic Sushi:

A Japanese restaurant has now been made for people to eat humans. You can cut the human open with a surgery knife along with a lot of scotch for you to disinfect your forks and convince yourself that committing cannibalism is not as bad as people make it out to be. Then you cut open the stomach, and realize that this is just a sushi mannequin shaped like a real human. I scared you for a second there, didn’t I?


The “organs” inside the body is actually sushi and a red “blood sauce” that is embedded in the skin layer is used to mimic bleeding as you cut open the human body.


1. A Chinese Teahouse:

How scary does that sound? Not scary? Well be warned because it will take scary to a whole new level. You’re going to have to risk your life climbing up Mt. Huashan for a single cup of tea.


First, customers take a tram up to the path. If you think this is scary, then this might not be for you because the adventure is only starting. Visitors reach the path that just happens to be only three planks of wood wide. What about a harness, you ask? No harness, although you do get to hold on to some metal chains connected to the mountain.



Then, further along the path you’re only left with… yes, footholds.


Lastly, the world’s steepest staircase awaits you. But the scary part is over.


This part is gong to tire you out until you are definitely ready for that cup of tea you came for.
