Four mistakes runners make


Did you there are common running mistakes made by runners, often unknowingly? These mistakes can cause an injury, so it is important to correct this before you get yourself sidelined and in non-running form. So what are these common mistakes and do you practice this in your runs? As a certified trainer and running coach, I have helped many amazing runners to correct their mistakes to become champion runners. Here are the most common mistakes and how you can correct them:


If you are like most of the people put there you probably just lace up your shoes and head on out, failing to warm up. This is unhealthy for your heart and can cause injury. Warming up allows you to gradually increase your heart rate and prepare your body. If you go all at once it has side effects. Even if you spend ten minutes warming up doing jumping jacks, push ups, squats, etc. it will be extremely beneficial to you.


Many runners out there head out for a run without even drinking water, and failing to at  least bring one along with them. The real reason behind not taking a water bottle I would say is laziness. Runners have to make sure that they bring a water bottle or else it can lead to dehydration and is not great for your health. If you are going on a 5-10 mile run maybe leave some bottles in your course before hand. Just make it a habit to bring water along.


This is very common among runners. Many people who are trying to lose weight want instant results. The key is to work hard everyday and go slow to prevent injuries. Running mileage should be increased by no more than 10% every week. If you are increasing it by more than 10% you may wind up with injuries. Thus make sure you are safe, and search something up or ask someone us you are unsure.


You have been told wrong information! Running with your arms in front is not the correct way to run. This is the most common mistake, and even some athletes do it. The proper way to run is with your arms at your sides. What thus does is it prevents breathing problems. Also you are not constricting yourself. Basically, you should run with your arms on your sides like a pendulum.