Forbidden Love


Forbidden love, the topic of almost every book and movie made for teenage girls. So what makes these stories so addictive and appealing? Because I love you that much, I have done the research to find answers. I read and saw the zombie love story Warm Bodies and I have studied the ways of a Twilight fangirl. ( Did you really think I would read that? I am really quite offended.)

Danger Factor: Doesn’t every girl just love the excitement of not knowing weather or not your zombie boyfriend is going to have a sudden craving for brains? How about that reassuring feeling you get when your vampire boyfriend wants to go on a walk in a deserted forest, and you know he hasn’t drank anybody’s blood in a really long time?

Warm Bodies
Warm Bodies

The attractiveness of the dead, fanged and furry: I for one would love a sparkly boyfriend, and if that means that I would have to risk my life to get one, I would do it in a heartbeat! Or how about a really muscular boyfriend that can turn into an adorable fury werewolf at anytime. It’s like having a little baby puppy, you get the cuteness and the furriness! Who knew that rotting flesh is actually more soft and irresistible than the flesh of a live person?

Teen Wolf
Teen Wolf


Rebellion: Whenever theses characters find their boyfriends, it’s usually in the worst possible time! I don’t think it’s such a good idea to date the reason the world is in a post apocalyptic state. Also, when your town is being overrun by vampires, you probably shouldn’t date one, people might get mad.

The Vampire Diaries
The Vampire Diaries


Well I will never understand this whole forbidden love thing. But then again, I don’t think I will ever understand un forbidden love either!





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