First use of legal marijuana on an airplane: Calgarians fly high


On June 2, a few Calgarians likely became the first travellers aboard a plane to use marijuana legally, via utilizing a vapourizer. This wasn’t your Harold and Kumar’s smoking on the plane. That’s completely different.

The four Calgarians were all headed to a conference on medicinal marijuana use. They were not harassed at all by any of the employees of WestJet or airport authority. One of the four, Lisa Kirkman, had undergone a surgery and the pain was too much to bear. Similarly, the rest had been using marijuana for medicinal purposes. Kirkman has stated that using a vapourizer is no different from using an inhaler. So why not?

Lisa Kirkman. Image courtesy Metro Calgary

WestJet had never before been asked by a customer if they may bring on such a device. Up until this event, they had no policies regarding use against marijuana for pertinent or medical reasons. They are still contacting professionals who work with air travel regulations to ensure that such operation is acceptable.

But a few questions come to mind: what validity does the customer’s desire for drug use hold? If air travel regulators allow drugs aboard for medicinal purposes, what’s next? How far are they willing to go to keep customers satisfied and accommodated? Hmm…

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Hiya! My name is MJ, but not MJ as in Michael Jackson, not MJ as in Michael Jordan, not MJ as in megajoules, but MJ as in Min Jung! I attend Western Canada High School and my favorite subject is Biology. I especially relish in the smell of formaldehyde fuming through the hallways after a dissection lab. Random fact about me? I can bend backwards until my hands are locked around my ankles and my nose touches the ground. How's that for head over heels?