First Impressions, eh?


^ That right there is how you make a terrible first impression.

Just for the record, that is not a self portrait of me. I actually wear clothes in real life. But if it helps to get my point across, first impressions are important and since I’m new to this blogging thing, I need to make it count. So if you want to make a new friend or look professional at a job interview, follow these tips~

  1. Be Yourself Don’t create an image for yourself that you’ll have trouble living up to. Be welcoming and outgoing; it helps people loosen up and warm up to you more. Don’t try too hard and just be confident of what you have and who you are. If you don’t believe in yourself, others probably won’t. Plus, “wannabes” and “tryhards” are agonizing to watch, so don’t brag (i.e. name dropping).
  2. Keep calm and carry on – Don’t be rigid. People can smell fear. Oh and don’t fidget.
  3. Look presentable – Know how to dress for the occasion. Make sure your clothes are fresh looking and smelling. Make sure your hygiene is in check: shower, brush your teeth, put on deodorant, all the good stuff.  Once you’ve brushed your teeth, feel free to smile more often.
  4. Let the other person be the centre of attention – Listen to the other person and make them feel important. Even if you don’t feel like it, just add in a few positive verbal cues: “That’s really cool,” or “What happened next?” Let the other person lead the conversation while you follow along, that way, you can find out about opportunities in sales, relationships, networking and jobs.

If you follow all these tips, it should look a little something like this: