Final Perspective: The Journey


Hey readers.

This will be my final Perspective post (at least for quite some time), so I thought I’d leave you with something special.

As photographers, we can be obsessed with getting just the right shot. Sometimes it just takes a quick snap of the shutter to get what we want, and sometimes we can labour over a set-up to get just the desired effect. Sometimes though, the very act of capturing the beauty of the world around us is what makes us pass it by so readily. The next time you see something that you just need to take a picture of, leave your camera alone. Just enjoy it with all your senses. Take in all its beauty. Why? Because so much is lost when we see life through the lens of a camera.

Last night, I went out and took this picture:

But you know what? I could care less about the picture, because the ride out there was a thousand times as beautiful.

[youtube HhosS0Jv2y0]

The pastel skyline, the road glowing under the streetlamps, the light sparkling off the raindrops on the windshield.

Signing off, The Gentleman Scholar


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