How much is Fifty Dollars Worth?


Imagine this: you’re walking to a local bank branch when you come across a fifty dollar bill on the ground. There is no one around you and no clear indication as to whom the rightful owner of the bill is. What would you do?

A show called What Would You Do actually did an experiment based on this scenario. They laid out the money and recorded people’s reactions throughout the day. I was impressed, after watching the video, to find that most people decided to return the cash instead of pocketing it. But the part that really touched me was when the last of the show’s victims unknowing guests came onto screen. She is a homeless elderly woman with less than ten dollars to her name. She walks for two hours every day from a local shelter to a friend’s home for a warm meal. This amazing woman took the bill and without a second thought, returned it to the bank manager.

Below is the video showing this experiment.

This woman is a role model, she definitely could’ve used the money, but instead chose to return it to the rightful owner. She stuck to her virtues and did the right thing even though her situation was so harsh. I think we can all learn a little lesson from this.


You can visit YouTube to check out more What Would You Do scenarios.