Canadian Federal Election!


What are the perks of being of legal age? Other than the “partying” privileges and whatnot? VOTING! That’s right. Who’s excited for the election on May 2? And this is the big one, it’s the one that determines who the new Prime Minister is. This is the first time Canada has ever experienced a non-confidence motion (when the parliament has no confidence in the appointed government). Exciting stuff; I’m sure you’ve heard about it on the news.

It's Uncle Sam! I know it's American, but it's a pretty convincing poster, don't you think?

So instead of piling you with information about the election and party members, I will present with you a very cool and informative link, where, directly taken from the site:

“Vote Compass is a free educational tool developed by political scientists.  It asks you for your opinion on a number of political issues and then shows you how your views compare with the platforms put forward by each of the political parties.

It only takes a few minutes to complete and no information is collected that can ever be used to personally identify you.

Vote Compass can also tell you which parties are running a candidate in your constituency.  If you don’t know the name of your constituency, you can enter your postal code to have Vote Compass determine it for you.”

I’m sure a friend has posted this link on Facebook or Twitter, so this may not be new to you. This is a great time to join a party and help them out with things like advertising! Mayor Nenshi had a lot of helpers and guess where that got him? A huge victory in the municipal election! You know, Apathy is Boring, and if you have time you should support a party! Anyway, that’s all for today, folks! Enjoy watching and reading the news–pay attention for more political slander news!