Internet 60 times faster than the average Canadians! OneGigabit is a start-up company in Vancouver, making it possible by laying fiber cable 20 centimeters under the road without having to remove or damage it.
This is extremely useful because as a start up company, it would be much harder to get started if they had to remove parts of the road in order to lay down the cable. The cost of getting fibre cable from Google fiber in the US is around the same as it would cost in Canada. OneGigabit is offering their service for approximately $45-65 dollar,s while Google’s price is $70 with the exact same rate.
Most major companies don’t even offer fiber cable and the ones that do charge a hefty price. Shaw, Bell, and Rogers offer a service for 115-226 a month but only give you about a quarter of the speed. This is because fiber cable and other cables superior to copper, are much more costly. Also, that would require them to replace the wire that already exists and some people don’t need better internet. OneGigabit plans to focus on apartments in downtown Vancouver that are about 15-20 kilometers away from their building. They will target real estate in order to ensure that they are not serving a single client but rather, serving a community. I personally believe that fiber cable won’t be a common thing to see until either larger companies create better rates on fiber cable and start investing in fiber cable for entire cities or smaller companies begin to supply fiber cable in smaller quantities. If you would like to learn more I recommend taking a look at the following links: