Fashion designers of 1939 predict the future


Future Clothes(Original Image)

As curious humans, we enjoy finding patterns in behavior in order to predict the future. You know what I’m talking about; movies like Back to the Future are perfect examples of the high hopes that people in the past had of us in the 21st century. Obviously, technology has (sadly) not advanced at that rate, and due to the discoveries we’ve made it’s become evident that some of these predictions are down-right impossible.

Aside from flying cars, our 1939 friends had some other predictions for us. Fashion designers in America predicted what women in the year 2000 will be wearing on a daily basis (as well as one interesting design for men). This video is 100% serious, and I do applaud the designers for their sense of imagination. Trust me, it’s worth it to take a look for yourself.

In my opinion, the first dress with the removable sleeves is a great idea. Although I don’t think it’s exactly appropriate for business-to-night-out situations, the idea behind it could prove useful. Truck or bus drivers can wear these types of uniforms to protect themselves from the sun while driving, removing the sleeves periodically when it gets too hot or for whatever other reason. Being totally on-board with innovation, there is nothing more appealing to me than functional fashion.

The second dress was quite entertaining, but accurate in a way. There are several clothing items these days that are made to “capture the attention of males,” mostly using see-through or skin-tight fabric. Although this type of gown isn’t very practical to wear, unless you’re Rihanna at the CDFAs, the design is eye-catching and the concept was pretty spot-on.

Watching this video was kind of a wake-up call as well. The third outfit featured a woman in a jumpsuit, something widely popular nowadays, but thinking back to when this video was made (in 1939), women weren’t even allowed to wear pants. The human race has come quite a ways and fashion definitely reflects the ideals and progression of a society. Now if only this society would actually invent a fashionable belt that adapts to climate changes.

The flowing, silky dress was quite elegant and actually something I would consider wearing. Aside from the rooms kept at artificially appropriate temperatures (I’m looking at you, freezing school classrooms), I feel like this prediction was spot on.

I couldn’t tell if the commentator said the dress was made of glass, but it looked like plastic wrap to me. And then I started imagining a wedding dress made of bubble wrap…

Last but not least, the grotesque space-suit for men was the most inaccurate, yet amazing prediction of all. Although I could not take anyone in one of those things seriously, I want this design to come to life and purchase one for everybody I know.