


Metric is coming to town!

Metric will be coming to Calgary on October 30th at the Big Four Building by Stampede Park. The concert will be held at 8:00pm that night. Tickets are sold for at $36.50 and it’ll be worth every cent of it!

For those who are unfamiliar with Metric, Metric is a Canadian Indie Rock/Pop band formed in Toronto in 1998. They have released four albums to date and have gained popularity fast. Their newest album, Fantasies, peaked at #6 on Canadian Album Chart featuring songs such as “Help, I’m Alive“, “Gimme Sympathy” and “Sick Muse“.

Here’s “Gimme Sympathy” by Metric. You can check out more of their music on Myspace! Enjoy!

[youtube LqldwoDXHKg]