Express your Calgary in art


Youth need the ability to express themselves – doing this is an important part of growing up. The Mayor’s Youth Council has begun to contribute to this by creating the Mayor’s Youth Council Art Contest, a contest which allows youth to explore what Calgary truly means to them.MYC Art Contest

The contest simply asks the question “What is your Calgary?” and lets young artists work from there. The prizes are numerous, among them being the opportunity for your artwork to be shown to all of Calgary, with the best pieces being placed in the Wall of Windows, a display in the City Hall LRT Platform. The great part of this contest is the broadness of the topic, as it truly allows anyone to express themselves in the way that they feel closely relates to the relationship they have in Calgary, and to put those ideas into art form. You’re free to use whatever media you like, so long as it measures less than 24 by 30 inches (60 by 76 cm). If you’re worried that your art is too personal (and even if it isn’t), be sure to attach an artist statement with your work, explaining just what you’ve done and what your Calgary really is.

If you want to learn more about the contest, check out the Mayor’s Youth Council’s youtube video about it here. If you want more specific details or just want to submit your entry, visit The deadline is May 2nd, so start working!