Exploring Your Personality & Shaping Your Future


During one’s teenage years, a common area of thought is in regards to potential careers for one’s future. When thinking about this, it can be useful to explore your interests in order to discover more about a choice that fits. For example, there are many options for someone interested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), and there are many opportunities in Calgary that youth can get started with in order to learn about those interests. Or, some may have a specific idea of an individually appealing profession, such as one within law, medicine, teaching, and beyond. However, it is also common for many to have no specific ideas, or so many that it’s difficult to narrow down – and these aren’t bad situations. Whether or not you have a clear view of your interests doesn’t define the grasp you have on your future, because there are many more ways to explore potential future plans. After all, interests revolve around things in your outside environment, and your personal response to them. On the other hand, looking within your own personality can provide unique, tailor-made ideas for your future.

One of the most universalized personality inventories is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). You can take the test to find out which personality type you are at 16 Personalities. This website allows you to discover many traits regarding your behavior, thoughts, and more, and there are hundreds of other sources that provide more information surrounding your official personality type result from 16 Personalities.

How it works:

Each of the 16 potential personality type results consists of four letters, each standing for a certain meaning. 

The first letter is either “E” for Extraversion or “I” for Introversion. 

The second letter is either “N” for Intuition or “S” for Sensing/Observing. 

The third letter is either “F” for Feeling or “T” for Thinking. 

The fourth letter is either “P” for Prospecting or “J” for Judging.

Overall, there are 16 unique possibilities for your individual personality type. In addition, your result may end in a “-A” or “-T”, for either Assertive or Turbulent, respectively. The site, in addition to a thorough profile of your type, provides a name for your type, a category containing your type and three other similar ones (there are four categories), and examples of famous figures and fictional characters that share your type. The 16 different personalities are featured in the image below.

After learning about your personality, you can explore various other sources that tell you about careers that match well with yourself. Or, you can use your gained knowledge regarding your identity to look further within and think of future plans that feel right for you. Or, if you’ve had enough of a personal career-finding expedition for one day, you can do my personal favorite: wasting way too much time finding favorite characters that have the exact same personality type as you, and comparing yourself to others. All in all, I think it’s pretty cool how certain technologies and databases, such as 16 Personalities, have facilitated such accessible self-discovery, and in doing so, have created a fun and effective way to take steps in the journey towards creating your future.

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