Explaining #BringBackOurGirls


On April 15, more than 300 were kidnapped from their schools that were located in Chibok, Nigeria. This horrid crime has accelerated through social media around the world. It was carried out by the Islamist militant group Boko Haram carried. You have probably heard of the #BringBackOurGirls campaign over the past couple days.

Why did they attack the girls?

They group had been terrorizing northeastern Nigeria for almost five years now. The region is half Muslim and half black. The had been wanting to establish a Islamic state, which would be governed by the strict Sharia law. They oppose the western culture, as well a education of females. Thus connecting to the kidnapping.

What are their intentions?

Some of the girls who had been kidnapped have escaped. However, 276 are still held captive. Some think that they may be sold as slaves, while others think they will be used to get ransom. Whatever it may be the situation is devastating and they girls should be set free. It’s unclear what the Nigerian government will do to help as well. Which is why activists have taken steps in social media, protests etc., in order to help them. The frustration fuelled with this kidnapping has grown larger with another eight girls captured on May 5, 2014.

What is being done to help?

There has been an announcement by the United Sates of America that they are deploying a 200-person military as well as law enforcement delegation in order to help search for the missing girls. We can just imagine how tough it must be for the families struggling to find their daughters. In the meantime we should I join the campaign with many others that already have to #BringBackOurGirls because each and every person has a voice and it should be used. Tumbler has had many posts in this, as well as Instagram and other social media websites. Some people who we may recognize are showing below supporting the campaign!