Existentialism in the Eyes of the Beholder


motivationalpurpose1Have you ever sat back and just thought about where your life is going? Not the typical, “Ahhhh what am I gonna do with my life and myself and my everything??? AHH. High school is almost over.. ahhhh,” type thoughts, not those. More so the thoughts along the lines of, “Where is the human race going? Do I have a purpose? Am I supposed to be here to do this? Or is there something bigger out there for me?” Even if you haven’t thought about it, I have, for the both of us! Me and you. Reader, we’re in this together.

I was brought up with a strong religious background, so I have always known the Christian perspective of things. I never took the initiative, until recently, to really think about what else is out there, what plans the universe had for me. But with a fairly imaginative mind and a few Google searches, my interests were piqued. According to Google, Existentialism is defined as, “a philosophical theory or approach that emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will.” An extremely wordy definition broken down, this simply means it’s the idea of a person acting upon what they want to do to further themselves and their lives, simultaneously affecting the lives of people around them.

I never fully grasped the concept of Existentialism until I began to question what I had been taught. Not out of disrespect for the background I was raised in, nor to spite my parents and elders, but because it is important to question things. The idea of conforming to a belief because it is what you have known your whole life is unhealthy. A narrow mind misses many opportunities. Forming an understanding of faith, beliefs, practices and lifestyles of other people is something I believe every person should do. Educating oneself is an important practice to begin at a young age, feeds the curiosity and well, it’s a bonus.. you’re never going to run out of conversation topics! Okay, but in all honesty, this habit cultivates an open mind and the chance of finding what your true calling is whether it is constricted to the social norms or it eradicates their existence.

Within the radical theory of Existentialism, “It focuses on the question of human existence, and the feeling that there is no purpose or explanation at the core of existence, I disagree. Humans have the incessant need of having answers for everything, that is the cause behind all profound discoveries, but it does not simply stop there. The possibility that everything we have worked towards and the discoveries of anything and everything in the entirety of our existence, means nothing? It’s impossible to even begin to comprehend. Though there may not be some big reveal; in the grand scheme of things, we as humans have purpose. The bigger picture is completed when each individual is content. Follow passions, live your ambitions out and accomplish your goals. In hindsight, “Existentialists assert that a human being is “thrown into” a concrete, inveterate universe that cannot be “thought away”, and therefore existence (“being in the world”) precedes consciousness, and is the ultimate reality.”  The reality of our fleeting existence should scare anyone enough to want to try. Try for what they want and what they dream.

I support the notion behind pursuing what you want. At the end of the day, there is very little joy that can come from something done out of big money’s sake. Have a fall back plan or have like, nine. Does it really matter what you choose to do? Choose what makes you want to wake up and live your life, or at least give yourself the opportunity to be able to still explore your passions even if you’re stuck in a dead end job with a horrible boss. The bitter truth is that a steady income is ideal for a comfortable life. Everyone wants freedom, but keep the dream alive while being realistic. WORK HARD PLAY HARD. But seriously, do that, do cool things, be your own life goals. You got this homie, keep doing you. Life’s happening and life’s good and it wants what’s best for you. So follow the Existential lifestyle, or don’t, up to you. But keep an open mind and think of the bigger picture! You’re not here to simply struggle through day after day of mediocre-ness. You’re here for a purpose. Find out what it is, follow it, and never let the dream die.