Excuses made by distracted drivers


So we are all probably aware of the distracted driving legislation that was put into effect last month.

However, many drivers have not yet taken it seriously.

And what better reaction is there, but to make an excuse when a cop catches you red handed using a hand-held device while driving.

Here are the top excuses “innocent” drivers have made:

  • This is a bogus law.
  • It was my boss on the phone – I had to answer it.
  • I wasn’t using it – I just like to hold it.
  • Sorry officer, I didn’t see you trying to pull me over because I was on my phone.
  • But it was an emergency call to my wedding planner!
  • My Bluetooth died.
  • I’m not driving; I was stopped at a red light.
  • I was just checking the time.

Even though drivers think they are careful when they are using their electronics while driving and are tempted at times to go back to their old habits of checking their text messages at a red light (I’m guilty of this), people need to respect and abide to the law because it is enforced to prevent fatal crashes that could affect themselves and others!