Exam Survival Kit


Final exams are coming up. That sentence just made me shudder.


Although this is something we certainly cannot change, we can definitely prepare for it. I personally find studying and doing homework hard. The hard part about it is getting started. One of the worst things is when I finally begin by opening the opening the textbook, maybe putting reading title, skimming through the chapter, and then rewarding myself with a 10 minute break that accidentally turns into 4 hours.

I find that I really need help to not just wonder off into the deep abyss of the internet and get things done. Therefore, I’ve found a couple of apps and websites that don’t distract you but actually keep you going.



  • Nag– This app is basically a timer with really annoying alarms. The longer you ignore it, the more judged you feel. [iOS]
  • Self control– If you don’t already have this preinstalled in your brain you can download it on your computer. Use this software if you cannot be trusted with the internet to any degree. Uninstalling or rebooting your computer will not turn this off. Talk about tough love. [Microsoft users: Cold Turkey]
  • f.lux– Did you know that maybe the reason you stay up late because you can’t sleep is because of your digital screens? Science people say so. This software changed your computer screen in accordance to the time of day. A blue screen is great for the day because it’s meant to look like the sun but not so great when you’re suppose to be ready for bed.
  • Focus Bar– This app provides you with constant reminders that maybe you shouldn’t be watching cat videos for 3 hours straight. [Mac Users]
  • Time Warp– Do you keep checking Twitter? Facebook? Tumblr? Can’t seem to stop doing this? Wondering why? Are you in an endless loop where you study for 20 minutes and spend an hour on sites you shouldn’t be on? Did you answer yes to one or more of these questions? Well then, this app will work wonders for you. [Google Chrome app]
  • StayFocused– This app limits the time you can have on websites for those of us who can’t cut cold turkey. It’s give you a countdown and then blocks those deliciously distracting websites for you. [Google Chrome app]
  • 30/30– Simple and effective manager that keeps you on schedule. [iOS]
  • Top 5 Productivity Apps for iOS
  • Top 5 Productivity Apps for Android


TIME TO STUDY  *shudders*

  • Quizlet– Flashcards, tests, and study games
  • StudyBlue– Online study materials
  • Flashcards Study Helper– Make them and carry them around everywhere
  • Inkflow Visual Notebook– For those visual learner out there.
  • Learning and Studying Techniques– Quite extensive and your probability of finding something useful here is quite probable.
  • TED– Great sight full of great information but be carefully with this as so you may get distracted and end up becoming a thermonuclear astrophysics expert overnight instead of studying social. (Did anybody get the reference? Anybody?)
  • Expand your Vocabulary while Making the World a Better Place– Look at you getting ready for English and helping others. Killing two birds with one stone, am I right?
  • Even MORE studying shenanigans–  If there’s any list you’re going to click on, it should be this one. It might have EXACTLY what you need.
  • If you’re used to studying with music, why not try classical or wordless songs? Here’s a channel on youtube specifically for that. There’s also four hours of classical music too. Here (chill), here (concentration), here (nature sounds) are also playlists you might want to check out if youtube is a danger zone of procrastination for you. Just because, here is another playlist that I personally like to study with.
  • Khan Academy– Online video lessons on a lot of subjects with accompanying tests and quizzes. I’ve used it mainly for maths but they have biology, chemistry, finances, and much more too!


  • Time Warp– I know I’ve added this to the productive category but it also helps with motivation. There’s an option that allows you to put in your favourite motivational quote when you visit a site you’re not suppose to. (If you’re stuck on finding a motivational quote, why not check out one of my past posts on that exact thing here.)
  • Let’s get Motivated!– An article that will give you clear step-by-step instructions on getting yourself moving.
  • Tips to help you Focus– Pretty self explanatory. The blog this links to is, in general, a very good blog for many things.
  • Strategies for Motivating Yourself– Another great piece that will give you wise and hopefully helpful information!
  • Final Grade Calculator– Sometimes putting things in perspective will motivate you to study and not just automatically think “Well, I’m going to fail anyways. Why try?”but also don’t slack off if you find it to be the opposite result. Always try your best! Don’t give up on yourself!
  • A motivational video that might be just what you need


So this is it! I hope some of this information is useful to you. If you find anything you personally do or found that helps you study don’t be afraid to share it in the comments because…
