Everything You Need To Know From: Boy & GurL


boy and gurl

Passion meets pop in this Calgarian singer/songwriter du0, Boy & GurL. Jarred Nicklen and Crystal McGrath have been creating together for years.  They formed a musical duo group in 2008 and recorded their first EP together in February 2009. They are about to release their first full length album and on their website you can vote for your favourite song to help them decide which song will be their first single!

YAA: Why is it so important to you to give back to the community with your music?

Boy: The music industry isn’t the easiest buisness to be in at times, so I think as a band we understand how important it is to give support when ever and where ever we can.  If it’s by giving financial support or just being part of an activist march, it feels great to stand behind something you really believe in.

GurL: Music is something everyone can identify and connect with; it brings people together and creates feeling. By being in the public eye, we are able to take our passion to raise awareness and fundings for organizations.

YAA: Before a show, do you have any rituals before you go on stage?

Boy: I ususally insult Crystal before going on stage. Come to think of it, I usually insult her on stage and after the show as well.

GurL: I usually cry.  All the time.  Kudos to Loreal for waterproof mascara…

YAA: What’s your usual order at Tim Horton’s?

Boy: Nothing, because they don’t have soy milk…Starbucks all the way!

GurL: Coffee…2 sweetners…allergies don’t let me join in on the whole “double double” trend…

YAA: Have you decided what to title your upcoming album?

Boy: “Crystal is an over emotional chick that likes to make Jarred’s life very interesting,” You like??

GurL: HA HA!  Here come the tears I was talking about… To be serious, since Boy appears to live in the land of make believe, the new album is called Love Crimes.

YAA: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Boy: When I was a kid my mom always told me that life wasn’t fair and just to get over it. Hard thing to hear, but stops you from ever feeling sorry for yourself.

GurL: My dad once told me the key to success is to be persistant through the good, the bad, the slow, and the fast times…He’s right.

YAA: You’re both very strong songwriters, does that ever make it difficult when you write together?

Boy: Not at all…it makes it that much better. You challenge yourself that much more because you’re not the only one that has to like it, but two people [have to like it].

GurL: We are lucky that our writing chemistry is strong. ..We bring out elements in each other that we wouldn’t find alone…and from the very first time we hung out we started writing hits…We actually started writing together for fun before we even decided to be a band, so that was a good sign!

YAA: What’s your favourite type of cheese?

Boy: Marble, but I know as soon as I eat it my body will reject it, as I am lactose intolerant. But I love dairy!!

GurL: I also have the joy of being lactose intolerant, but yet I still find a way to eat Provolone cheese.

Now that you know everything about Boy & GurL, don’t forget to vote for which sing you think will be their first single, befriend them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.hi