Everything is OK Calgary


Today I wanted to feature the YouTube channel of “cveitch“. His videos are a simple reminder to educate ourselves, be aware of our surroundings and what’s going on in the world (and not necessarily through regular news channels) and most importantly to love and interact with one another. One video I particularly liked is: Everything is OKĀ on the New York Subway (which you can watch below).

It got me thinking how much safer inner cities would be if we all made an effort to make eye contact with each other, if we celebrated each other for simply being individuals and if we stopped living in little bubbles, listening to music and playing games on our iPhones; all things that make us avoid the vibrant life that surrounds us. It would not only make us more aware of our surroundings but it would also probably make us a lot happier – which is something I’m sure a lot of people could do with here in Calgary.

I resolve to greet more people on the C-Train when I come to and from work. I don’t know how well received I will be – but who knows where it will take me?

[youtube 27Jj0lcmm5Q]