Eternals Movie Review


Eternals just broke an M.C.U record! For the lowest rated Marvel movie. This movie was very unnecessary, and it had nothing to do with the Avengers. It was probably the slowest action movie that I personally have ever seen.

“It’s like the person who made this only wanted to make it to see if they could get away with it.”

   – viewer comment

There are 27 Marvel movies out there. The Marvel movie ranked number 27 is Eternals. So, not only is this movie last but it also made a very bad reference or two. They mention Superman which is a character from D.C comics and the second reference is to Thor when he was a boy, they said, he followed a character from Eternals around. The only thing wrong with that is that Thor was not on Earth when he was a kid. He never been to Earth until  Odin, his father, stripped him of his powers and sent him to Earth for exile. 

The movie’s hype, before it came out, involved Harry Styles but boy did it not last. We all awaited Harry’s arrival to the screen, but the producers really let us down. What I mean by this is that Harry was only in one out of the two endings. 

In conclusion this movie was a waste of time and effort. If you are planning to watch this movie, just don’t. It is not worth it!